Section 1 of my Battle of the Bands text mining project produces data frame objects containing song lyrics from three iconic rock bands: Queen, Rush, and AC/DC. It writes the data frames to files for processing in subsequent sections. One data frame contains one row per song; a second data frame contains one row per line of each song.
In order to analyze song lyrics, we need the song lyrics in some regular form. I searched Google for an easy way to compile song lyrics for all songs by an artist, preferably via an API. The best option I found was the website Genius. Genius is a platform where users post lyrics and commentary (annotations) about artists and their songs. Genius offers an API (documentation) through which you can pull song metadata, including the url to a web page with lyrics. Unfortunately, you cannot pull the lyrics directly from the API. For that you need to scrape each web page. There are at least three R packages (genius, geniusr, and rgenius) that use the API, but I did not have complete success with any of them. genius is no longer on CRAN and its notes explain why: the Genius web site changes too frequently to build a reliable package.
Instead, I use none of the packages directly, but leverage their underlying code extensively to piece together my corpus of song lyrics. Some of this code may no longer work when you run it, but being bare-bones and not hidden behind function calls, hopefully you can tweak it to meet your purposes if/when the Genius API changes again.
You need to register your client with Genius in order to use their API. Registering identifies yourself, presumably so the API can warn or block you if you abuse it. I followed the step-by-step guide published by Ekene A. on towards data science. You should read the whole thing, but here are highlights.
Step 1: Go to and click “New API Client”. Genius asks for several items, but you only need to provide an app name and url. I wrote “lyric_mining” for APP NAME (I think you can put anything in here). I used my github account for APP WEBSITE URL. Click Save.
Step 2: After saving, Genius returned a page with my client ID, secret, and a link for the access token.
I dutifully saved this information for reference, but as far as I can tell there is nothing you need to do with either the client ID or secret - it’s the CLIENT ACCESS TOKEN that you pass to the API to get results.
Step 3: You should assign the access token string to a character variable in your program that you can pass to the API for each request. Better yet, since you probably don’t want to hard-code your token for everyone to see in your R script, set the value in your project .Renviron
file. In my RStudio console, I entered
# (not run)
Sys.setenv(GENIUS_API_TOKEN = "I pasted my access token text here")
Below I read my environment variable into a variable that I will use for the rest of this section.
<- Sys.getenv("GENIUS_API_TOKEN") genius_api_token
Now I will use the Genius API to construct a data frame of URLs for every Rush, Queen, and AC/DC song. The API only requires that I pass it the artist ID. My first task is to identify the artist IDs for the bands.
The function geniusr::search_artist()
still works, so I could use it to get artist IDs, but I want to peak under its hood to learn how to interface with an API. search_artist()
uses httr functions GET()
and content()
then sequences through the result set list. I experimented with this and discovered jsonlite::fromJSON()
does the same thing more compactly.
Here is a search for “Rush”. Notice how search_url()
includes the genius_api_token
I created in the prior step.
<- ""
<- glue("{base_url}/search?q=Rush&per_page=50&access_token={genius_api_token}")
<- fromJSON(search_url, flatten = TRUE)
$response$hits %>%
## 1 2660932 Russ Millions & Tion Wayne
## 2 2660932 Russ Millions & Tion Wayne
## 3 1177 Taylor Swift
## 4 101583 PHARAOH
## 5 2660932 Russ Millions & Tion Wayne
## 6 2624487 Rusherking, KHEA & Duki
## 7 1985 Frank Ocean
## 8 11908 Big Time Rush
## 9 2660932 Russ Millions & Tion Wayne
## 10 820 Mac Miller
## 11 1050803 Russ Millions
## 12 649803 Young T & Bugsey
## 13 4384 Rush
## 14 11908 Big Time Rush
## 15 4384 Rush
## 16 598 Neil Young
## 17 1050803 Russ Millions
## 18 8351 Coldplay
## 19 1111338 Lewis Capaldi
## 20 566548 <U+200B>kizaru
Aha! Rush is ID 4384.
<- vector()
artist_ids "rush"] <- 4384 artist_ids[
I repeated the exercise for Queen and AC/DC. Queen is ID 563. AC/DC is ID 20268.
"queen"] <- 563
artist_ids["ac/dc"] <- 20268 artist_ids[
Now I am ready to search for the song URLs associated with the three artist IDs. Here I could use geniusr::get_artist_songs_df()
, but I’ll keep going the hard way. The code below is based on geniusr, again I’m using fromJSON()
instead of GET()
and content()
Notice the search_url
passed into the API requests songs from a single artist ID, so I need to loop through my three IDs. I defined a function search_artist()
that I call once for each of the three bands. The API returns one page of results per request, so you have to request each page individually. Inside search_artist()
is a while()
loop that requests pages until the current result’s next_page
field is finally NA
. Within each result is a data frame (search_result$response$songs
) which I tack onto a list object (artist_songs_list
). When the function completes it returns artist_song_list
. After calling the function three times and accumulating the lists in another list object (songs_list
), I row-bind the three lists into a single data frame, songs_0
# Make a function to search one artist at a time. Returns a list of data frames.
<- function(artist_id) {
search_artist # song_list will be a list of data frames, one data frame per search result page.
<- list()
artist_song_list # Assume at least 1 page of results (I know, not robust). My search returned 25
# pages. The while loop exits when the `next_page` variable is null, but caps at
# 100 pages just as a guard-rail.
<- 1
page_num while (page_num < 100) {
<- glue("{base_url}/artists/{artist_id}/songs?page={page_num}&access_token={genius_api_token}")
search_url <- fromJSON(search_url, flatten = TRUE)
search_result <- search_result$response$songs
artist_song_list[[page_num]] <- search_result$response$next_page
page_num if (is.null(page_num)) {
# This list accumulates the three lists created from calls to `search_artist()`.
<- list()
for(i in 1:length(artist_ids)) {
<- search_artist(artist_ids[i])
# From a list of lists of data frames, to a single data frame.
<- bind_rows(songs_list) %>%
songs_0 select(
artist_id =,
song_id = id,
song = title_with_featured,
song_url = url
) # Some results have a different primary artist than the three I requested
filter(artist_id %in% artist_ids) %>%
# song id 307393 comes in twice. Enforce unique
## Rows: 1,241
## Columns: 4
## $ artist_id <int> 4384, 4384, 4384, 4384, 4384, 4384, 4384, 4384, 4384, 4384, ~
## $ song_id <int> 78816, 4338112, 5582931, 5584212, 1845007, 1622237, 1125127,~
## $ song <chr> "2112", "2112 [All the World’s a Stage]", "2112 [Clockwork A~
## $ song_url <chr> "", "
So far, so good, except data frame songs_0
has 1,241 rows. Scanning the results, I can see that is a lot more than what these bands actually composed. The problem is songs_0
includes live albums, songs mis-attributed to the bands, and a few duplicates (same song, slightly different name). There are other songs I want to remove as well. I’ll remove instrumentals (this is a lyrics analysis!). I’ll remove songs from Rush’s 1974 debut album because Neil Peart wasn’t in the band yet (Rush - Peart != Rush). I’ll remove Queen’s Flash Gordon soundtrack since it is essentially instrumentals with overlaid movie dialogue. The code chunk below is the result of a tedious row-by-row examination of the results set, visiting the Genius site with suspicious song names, or revisiting this chunk when subsequent chunks failed assumptions (e.g., the song lacked lyrics). I’m hiding the chunk for aesthetics.
<- songs_0 %>%
songs_1 # Exclude live
filter(!str_detect(song, paste0(
"(live)|(Live)|(R30)|(Rush In Rio)|(All the World’s a Stage)",
"|(Clockwork Angels)|(Chronicles)|(Exit...Stage Left)|(Time Machine)",
"|(remastered)|(A Show of Hands)|(BBC Session)"))) %>%
# Other live
filter(!song_id %in% c(
1834440, 1934285, 2247220, 2122045, 2054346, 1365829, 2127649, 6850090,
1315730, 1354524, 1845007, 1622237, 1125127, 3914681, 2190473, 4429804,
3914682, 1974154, 2117239, 1818469)) %>%
# Exclude Remixes
filter(!str_detect(song, paste0("(Remaster)|(Remix)"))) %>%
# Exclude Paul Rogers + Queen
filter(!str_detect(song, "(Rodgers)") & !song_id %in% c(2062295)) %>%
# Exclude instrumentals
filter(!song_id %in% c(
2216531, 4433029, 3155443, 1521243, 2196014, 943295, 3154378, 1318395,
3155448, 1631355, 142069, 3155442, 1718279, 3154336, 3154377, 3154317,
3155445, 3155451, 276075, 4300257, 2238411, 1049696, 356595, 3745414,
1547579, 2857709, 2857726, 384837)) %>%
# Exclude covers
filter(!song_id %in% c(
401257, 401252, 401250, 401256, 401258, 401253, 274121, 401251)) %>%
# Exclude the Rush 1974 album (pre-Neil Peart)
filter(!song_id %in% c(
224737, 224752, 224744, 224750, 224738, 224753, 224748, 224740)) %>%
# Exclude the Flash Gordon soundtrack
filter(!song_id %in% c(
2229372, 1993198, 1995570, 2230880, 2004862, 311640, 2012721, 2252949,
1121803, 868701, 1999247, 1982992, 1634917, 2221746, 1254681, 1003511,
1944922, 1950617)) %>%
# Exclude B-Sides
filter(!song_id %in% c(
309826, 308837, 308869, 757331, 308352, 756879, 756789, 756546, 757944)) %>%
# Exclude other odd-balls
filter(!song_id %in% c(
1559832, 3695386, 1465765, 401323, 4433004, 4432946, 4431337, 2845669,
6681876, 6540568, 6681876, 4006420, 1184464, 1271730, 5522634, 2845671,
4185381, 4315485, 4291070, 311614, 1460833, 4006432, 311630, 1844340,
4868213, 4313215, 1681743, 309711, 1343092, 6320634, 1861130, 5819871,
311644, 1340484, 6452647, 1170883, 1226746, 4635068, 1490895, 2990344,
311674, 926787, 6229922, 2127892, 4315531, 4006436, 756756, 308337,
308367, 1807195, 308375, 307363, 1845547, 1845547, 1959408, 308762,
6856711, 311682, 861570, 308340, 308342, 307558)) %>%
# Manually override a few song names to match the ones in Wikipedia (later)
mutate(song = case_when(
== "Anagram (For Mongo)" ~ "Anagram",
song == "Beneath, Between and Behind" ~ "Beneath, Between, and Behind",
song == "Cygnus X-1, Book II: Hemispheres" ~ "Cygnus X-1 Book II: Hemispheres",
song == "La Villa Strangiato (An Exercise in Self-Indulgence)" ~ "La Villa Strangiato",
song == "The Larger Bowl (A Pantoum)" ~ "The Larger Bowl",
song str_detect(song, "Body Language") ~ "Body Language",
TRUE ~ song
) )
The result of all that is data frame songs_1
. songs_1
has 466 rows, which seems about right.
## Rows: 466
## Columns: 4
## $ artist_id <int> 4384, 4384, 4384, 4384, 4384, 4384, 4384, 4384, 4384, 4384, ~
## $ song_id <int> 78816, 142058, 235157, 243268, 238394, 243253, 234389, 23441~
## $ song <chr> "2112", "A Farewell to Kings", "Afterimage", "Alien Shore", ~
## $ song_url <chr> "", "
%>% janitor::tabyl(artist_id) %>% janitor::adorn_totals() songs_1
## artist_id n percent
## 563 143 0.3068670
## 4384 148 0.3175966
## 20268 175 0.3755365
## Total 466 1.0000000
Now that I have my 466 song URLs, I am ready to extract the lyrics from each URL.
I’ll download each web page and extract the lyrics into a column in my data frame. For this task, I am relying on the genius::genius_url() function code, with just a few tweaks to get it to work for me. This step takes a few minutes, so the last lines write the end result to a file which I can simply read (first couple lines) instead of rebuilding every time I run this script. This saves me time and avoids burdening the Genius API.
if (file.exists("./1_lyrics_raw.Rds")) {
<- readRDS("./1_lyrics_raw.Rds")
lyrics_raw else {
} <- songs_1 %>%
lyrics_raw mutate(
# session() pulls the lyrics web page
genius_session = map(song_url, rvest::session),
# the location of the lyrics was
class_names = map(genius_session, function(x) {
x ::html_elements("div") %>%
rvest::html_children() %>%
rvest::html_attr("class") %>%
rvestunique() %>%
::na.omit() %>%
stats::str_split("[:space:]") %>%
}),# Lyrics are stuffed somewhere inside a node within a class with a name
# that starts with "Lyrics__Container".
# lyrics_class = map_chr(class_names, ~ .[str_detect(., "Lyrics__Container")]), # mistake
lyrics_class = map_chr(class_names, ~ .[str_detect(., "Lyrics__Root")]),
lyrics_node = map2(genius_session, lyrics_class, ~ html_node(.x, paste0(".", .y))),
lyrics = map_chr(lyrics_node, ~ html_text2(.)),
# The song writer is stuffed somewhere inside a node within a class with a
# name that starts with "SongInfo__Container.
songinfo_class = map_chr(class_names, ~ .[str_detect(., "SongInfo__Container")]),
songinfo_node = map2(genius_session, songinfo_class, ~ html_node(.x, paste0(".", .y))),
writer = map_chr(songinfo_node, ~ html_text2(.) %>%
str_extract("Written By\n.+\n") %>%
str_remove("Written By") %>%
) select(-c(genius_session, class_names, lyrics_class, lyrics_node,
songinfo_class, songinfo_node))saveRDS(lyrics_raw, "./1_lyrics_raw.Rds")
## Rows: 466
## Columns: 6
## $ artist_id <int> 4384, 4384, 4384, 4384, 4384, 4384, 4384, 4384, 4384, 4384, ~
## $ song_id <int> 78816, 142058, 235157, 243268, 238394, 243253, 234389, 23441~
## $ song <chr> "2112", "A Farewell to Kings", "Afterimage", "Alien Shore", ~
## $ song_url <chr> "", "
## $ lyrics <chr> "[I. Overture 0:00-4:24]\n\n[Verse]\nAnd the meek shall inhe~
## $ writer <chr> "Neil Peart,Alex Lifeson&Geddy Lee", "Neil Peart,Alex Lifeso~
The lyrics text includes new line characters, and brackets with annotation (e.g., “[Verse 1]”). I’ll clean as best I can. One awkward problem I noticed is that annotated lyrics (lyrics where a Genius user adds commentary) are missing the newlines when read from html_text2()
. E.g., “Line one
Line two” is stored as “Line oneLine two”. I’ll fix this by prefixing a newline character “\n” to any capital letter preceded by anything other than a newline or space.
# regex for capital letters, and a function to prefix a space to them
<- paste0("[", paste0(LETTERS, collapse=""), "]")
cap_regex <- function(x) { paste0(" ", x) }
# to replace [non-space][capital] with [non-space]\n[capital]
<- "[^\\s][A-Z]"
cap_regex <- function(x) { paste0(str_sub(x, 1, 1), "\n", str_sub(x, 2, 2)) }
<- lyrics_raw %>%
lyrics_1 mutate(
# remove bracketed text
lyrics = str_remove_all(lyrics, "\\[[a-zA-Z0-9\\s:\\.-]*\\]"),
# keep new line chars, but only one. Run twice in case there are more than 2.
lyrics = str_replace_all(lyrics, "\n\n", "\n"),
lyrics = str_replace_all(lyrics, "\n\n", "\n"),
# trim footer
lyrics = str_remove(lyrics, "Embed\nShare URL\nCopy\nEmbed\nCopy"),
# replace [non-space][capital] with [non-space]\n[capital]
lyrics = str_replace_all(lyrics, cap_regex, prefix_space),
# remove quotations markes
lyrics = str_remove_all(lyrics, '\\"'),
# trim whitespace
lyrics = str_trim(lyrics, side = "both")
Here is a before and after. Before:
1, ] %>% pull(lyrics) lyrics_raw[
## [1] "[I. Overture 0:00-4:24]\n\n[Verse]\nAnd the meek shall inherit the earth\n\n[II. Temples of Syrinx]\n\n\"...The massive grey walls of the Temples rise from the Heart of every Federation city. I have always been awed by them, to think that every single facet of every life is regulated and directed from within! Our books, our music, our work and play are all looked after by the benevolent wisdom of the priests...\"\n\n[Verse 1]\nWe've taken care of everythingThe words you read, the songs you singThe pictures that give pleasure to your eye\nIt's one for all, and all for oneWe work together, common sonNever need to wonder how or why\n\n[Chorus]\nWe are the Priests of the Temples of SyrinxOur great computers fill the hallowed hallsWe are the Priests of the Temples of SyrinxAll the gifts of life are held within our walls\n\n[Verse 2]\nLook around at this world we've madeEquality, our stock in tradeCome and join the Brotherhood of ManOh what a nice, contented worldLet the banners be unfurledHold the Red Star proudly high in hand\n\n[Chorus]\nWe are the Priests of the Temples of Syrinx\nOur great computers fill the hallowed halls\nWe are the Priests of the Temples of Syrinx\nAll the gifts of life are held within our walls\n\n[III. Discovery]\n\n\"...Behind my beloved waterfall, in the little room that was hidden beneath the cave, I found it. I brushed away the dust of the years, and picked it up, holding it reverently in my hands. I had no idea what it might be, but it was beautiful...\"\"...I learned to lay my fingers across the wires, and to turn the keys to make them sound differently. As I struck the wires with my other hand, I produced my first harmonious sounds, and soon my own music! How different it could be from the music of the Temples! I can't wait to tell the priests about it!...\"\n\n[Instrumental Break: 6:25-8:25]\n\n[Verse 1]\nWhat can this strange device be?When I touch it, it gives forth a soundIt's got wires that vibrate and give musicWhat can this thing be that I found?\n\n[Verse 2]\nSee how it sings like a sad heart\nAnd joyously screams out its pain\nSounds that build high like a mountain\nOr notes that fall gently like rain\n\n[Verse 3]\nI can't wait to share this new wonderThe people will all see its lightLet them all make their own musicThe Priests praise my name on this night\n\n[IV. Presentation]\n\n\"...In the sudden silence as I finished playing, I looked up to a circle of grim, expressionless faces. Father Brown rose to his feet, and his somnolent voice echoed throughout the silent Temple Hall...\"\"...Instead of the grateful joy that I expected, they were words of quiet rejection! Instead of praise, sullen dismissal. I watched in shock and horror as Father Brown ground my precious instrument to splinters beneath his feet...\"\n\n[Verse 1]\nI know it's most unusualTo come before you soBut I've found an ancient miracleI thought that you should knowListen to my musicAnd hear what it can doThere's something here as strong as lifeI know that it will reach you\n\n[Verse 2]\nYes, we know, it's nothing newIt's just a waste of timeWe have no need for ancient waysThe world is doing fineAnother toy that helped destroyThe elder race of manForget about your silly whimIt doesn't fit the plan, no\n\n[Verse 3]\nI can't believe you're sayingThese things just can't be trueOur world could use this beautyJust think what we might doListen to my musicAnd hear what it can doThere's something here that's as strong as lifeI know that it will reach you\n\n[Verse 4]\nDon't annoy us further!\nOh, we have our work to do\nJust think about the averageWhat use have they for you?\nAnother toy that helped destroy\nThe elder race of man\nForget about your silly whim\nIt doesn't fit the plan!\n\n[Instrumental Break: 12:59-14:21]\n\n[V. Oracle: The Dream]\n\n\"...I guess it was a dream, but even now it all seems so vivid to me. Clearly yet I see the beckoning hand of the oracle as he stood at the summit of the staircase...\"\"...I see still the incredible beauty of the sculptures cities, and the pure spirit of man revealed in the lives and works of this world. I was overwhelmed by both wonder and understanding as I saw a completely different way to life, a way that had been crushed by the Federation long ago. I saw now how meaningless life had become with the loss of all these things...\"\n\n[Verse 1]\nI wandered home though silent streets\nAnd fell into a fitful sleep\nEscape to realms beyond the nightDream, can't you show me the light?\n\n[Verse 2]\nI stand atop a spiral stair\nAn oracle confronts me there\nHe leads me on light years away\nThrough astral nights, galactic days\nI see the works of gifted hands\nThat grace this strange and wondrous land\nI see the hand of man ariseWith hungry mind and open eyes\n\n[Verse 3]\nThey left our planets long agoThe elder race still learn and growTheir power grows with purpose strongTo claim the home where they belongHome to tear the Temples down...Home to change!\n\n[VI. Soliloquy]\n\n\"...I have not left this cave for days now, it has become my last refuge in my total despair. I have only the music of the waterfall to comfort me now. I can no longer live under the control of the Federation, but there is no other place to go. My last hope is that with my death I may pass into the world of my dream, and know peace at last...\"\n\n[Verse 1]\nThe sleep is still in my eyes\nThe dream is still in my head\nI heave a sigh and sadly smile\nAnd lie awhile in bed\nI wish that it might come to pass\nNot fade like all my dreams\n\n[Verse 2]\nJust think of what my life might beIn a world like I have seen!I don't think I can carry onCarry on this cold and empty lifeOh no!\n\n[Guitar Solo]\n\nMy spirits are low in the depths of despairMy lifeblood... spills over\n\n[VII. The Grand Finale]\n\nAttention all Planets of the Solar FederationAttention all Planets of the Solar FederationAttention all Planets of the Solar FederationWe have assumed controlWe have assumed controlWe have assumed control\n21\nEmbed\nShare URL\nCopy\nEmbed\nCopy"
1, ] %>% pull(lyrics) lyrics_1[
## [1] "And the meek shall inherit the earth\n...\nThe massive grey walls of the Temples rise from the Heart of every Federation city. I have always been awed by them, to think that every single facet of every life is regulated and directed from within! Our books, our music, our work and play are all looked after by the benevolent wisdom of the priests...\nWe've taken care of everything\nThe words you read, the songs you sing\nThe pictures that give pleasure to your eye\nIt's one for all, and all for one\nWe work together, common son\nNever need to wonder how or why\nWe are the Priests of the Temples of Syrinx\nOur great computers fill the hallowed halls\nWe are the Priests of the Temples of Syrinx\nAll the gifts of life are held within our walls\nLook around at this world we've made\nEquality, our stock in trade\nCome and join the Brotherhood of Man\nOh what a nice, contented world\nLet the banners be unfurled\nHold the Red Star proudly high in hand\nWe are the Priests of the Temples of Syrinx\nOur great computers fill the hallowed halls\nWe are the Priests of the Temples of Syrinx\nAll the gifts of life are held within our walls\n...\nBehind my beloved waterfall, in the little room that was hidden beneath the cave, I found it. I brushed away the dust of the years, and picked it up, holding it reverently in my hands. I had no idea what it might be, but it was beautiful......\nI learned to lay my fingers across the wires, and to turn the keys to make them sound differently. As I struck the wires with my other hand, I produced my first harmonious sounds, and soon my own music! How different it could be from the music of the Temples! I can't wait to tell the priests about it!...\n\nWhat can this strange device be?\nWhen I touch it, it gives forth a sound\nIt's got wires that vibrate and give music\nWhat can this thing be that I found?\nSee how it sings like a sad heart\nAnd joyously screams out its pain\nSounds that build high like a mountain\nOr notes that fall gently like rain\nI can't wait to share this new wonder\nThe people will all see its light\nLet them all make their own music\nThe Priests praise my name on this night\n...\nIn the sudden silence as I finished playing, I looked up to a circle of grim, expressionless faces. Father Brown rose to his feet, and his somnolent voice echoed throughout the silent Temple Hall......\nInstead of the grateful joy that I expected, they were words of quiet rejection! Instead of praise, sullen dismissal. I watched in shock and horror as Father Brown ground my precious instrument to splinters beneath his feet...\nI know it's most unusual\nTo come before you so\nBut I've found an ancient miracle\nI thought that you should know\nListen to my music\nAnd hear what it can do\nThere's something here as strong as life\nI know that it will reach you\nYes, we know, it's nothing new\nIt's just a waste of time\nWe have no need for ancient ways\nThe world is doing fine\nAnother toy that helped destroy\nThe elder race of man\nForget about your silly whim\nIt doesn't fit the plan, no\nI can't believe you're saying\nThese things just can't be true\nOur world could use this beauty\nJust think what we might do\nListen to my music\nAnd hear what it can do\nThere's something here that's as strong as life\nI know that it will reach you\nDon't annoy us further!\nOh, we have our work to do\nJust think about the average\nWhat use have they for you?\nAnother toy that helped destroy\nThe elder race of man\nForget about your silly whim\nIt doesn't fit the plan!\n\n...\nI guess it was a dream, but even now it all seems so vivid to me. Clearly yet I see the beckoning hand of the oracle as he stood at the summit of the staircase......\nI see still the incredible beauty of the sculptures cities, and the pure spirit of man revealed in the lives and works of this world. I was overwhelmed by both wonder and understanding as I saw a completely different way to life, a way that had been crushed by the Federation long ago. I saw now how meaningless life had become with the loss of all these things...\nI wandered home though silent streets\nAnd fell into a fitful sleep\nEscape to realms beyond the night\nDream, can't you show me the light?\nI stand atop a spiral stair\nAn oracle confronts me there\nHe leads me on light years away\nThrough astral nights, galactic days\nI see the works of gifted hands\nThat grace this strange and wondrous land\nI see the hand of man arise\nWith hungry mind and open eyes\nThey left our planets long ago\nThe elder race still learn and grow\nTheir power grows with purpose strong\nTo claim the home where they belong\nHome to tear the Temples down...\nHome to change!\n...\nI have not left this cave for days now, it has become my last refuge in my total despair. I have only the music of the waterfall to comfort me now. I can no longer live under the control of the Federation, but there is no other place to go. My last hope is that with my death I may pass into the world of my dream, and know peace at last...\nThe sleep is still in my eyes\nThe dream is still in my head\nI heave a sigh and sadly smile\nAnd lie awhile in bed\nI wish that it might come to pass\nNot fade like all my dreams\nJust think of what my life might be\nIn a world like I have seen!\nI don't think I can carry on\nCarry on this cold and empty life\nOh no!\nMy spirits are low in the depths of despair\nMy lifeblood... spills over\nAttention all Planets of the Solar Federation\nAttention all Planets of the Solar Federation\nAttention all Planets of the Solar Federation\nWe have assumed control\nWe have assumed control\nWe have assumed control\n21"
Queen songs were written by all four band members individually, only jointly writing song lyrics occasionally. I’ll try to attribute the songs to the members. I’ll attribute Rush songs to Neil Peart and AC/DC songs to the entire band.
<- lyrics_1 %>%
lyrics_2 mutate(
writer = case_when(
== artist_ids["rush"] ~ "Neil Peart",
artist_id == artist_ids["ac/dc"] ~ "AC/DC",
artist_id str_detect(writer, "^Brian May") | song_id %in% c(308684, 310172) ~ "Brian May",
str_detect(writer, "^Roger Taylor") ~ "Roger Taylor",
str_detect(writer, "^John Deacon") ~ "John Deacon",
str_detect(writer, "^Freddie Mercury") | song_id == 861570 ~ "Freddie Mercury",
str_detect(writer, "^Queen") | song_id == 310117 ~ "Queen",
TRUE ~ writer
%>% janitor::tabyl(writer) %>% janitor::adorn_totals() lyrics_2
## writer n percent
## AC/DC 175 0.37553648
## Brian May 39 0.08369099
## Freddie Mercury 50 0.10729614
## John Deacon 16 0.03433476
## Neil Peart 148 0.31759657
## Queen 15 0.03218884
## Roger Taylor 23 0.04935622
## Total 466 1.00000000
I didn’t find a good way to pull the album name from Genius, so I’ll scrape it from Wikipedia instead. I transformed a lot of names so that this data frame will join properly to my master data frame. I’m hiding the chunk for aesthetics.
# Rush -------------------------------------------------------------------------
<- read_html("")
<- rush_wiki_xml %>%
rush_albums html_elements("table") %>% .[[1]] %>%
html_table() %>%
artist_id = artist_ids["rush"],
Song = str_remove_all(Song, "\""),
Album = str_trim(Album, side = "both"),
Album = if_else(Album == "Fly By Night", "Fly by Night", Album)
) select(song = Song, album = Album, released = Year)
# Queen ------------------------------------------------------------------------
<- read_html("")
<- queen_wiki_xml %>%
queen_albums html_elements("table") %>% .[[3]] %>%
html_table() %>%
artist_id = artist_ids["queen"],
Song = str_remove_all(Title, "\""),
Song = case_when(
== "Dead On Time" ~ "Dead on Time",
Song == "I Was Born To Love You" ~ "I Was Born to Love You",
Song == "Life Is Real (Song For Lennon)" ~ "Life Is Real (Song for Lennon)",
Song == "Machines (or 'Back to Humans')" ~ "Machines (Or Back to Humans)",
Song == "Made In Heaven" ~ "Made in Heaven",
Song == "She Makes Me (Stormtrooper in Stilettoes)" ~ "She Makes Me (Stormtrooper In Stilettos)",
Song == "Son & Daughter" ~ "Son and Daughter",
Song == "You And I" ~ "You and I",
Song == "Hang On in There" ~ "Hang on in There",
Song TRUE ~ Song),
Year = if_else(Year == 19731974, as.integer(1974), Year),
Year = if_else(Year == 1979, as.integer(1980), Year),
Year = if_else(Year == 1985, as.integer(1986), Year),
Album = str_trim(`Original release`, side = "both"),
Album = if_else(Album == "Queen / Queen II", "Queen II", Album)
) select(song = Song, album = Album, released = Year)
# AC/DC ------------------------------------------------------------------------
<- read_html("")
<- acdc_wiki_xml %>%
acdc_albums html_elements("table") %>% .[[3]] %>%
html_table() %>%
artist_id = artist_ids["ac/dc"],
Song = str_remove_all(Song, "(\")|(†)"),
Song = str_trim(Song, side = "both"),
Song = str_remove(Song, "\\[.\\]"),
Song = case_when(
== "Ain't No Fun (Waiting Round to Be a Millionaire)" ~ "Ain't No Fun (Waiting 'Round to Be a Millionaire)",
Song # Song == "Bonny[b]" ~ "Bonny",
== "Given the Dog a Bone" ~ "Givin' the Dog a Bone",
Song # Song == "Can't Stop Rock 'n' Roll" ~ "Can't Stop Rock 'N' Roll",
== "Rock 'n Roll Train" ~ "Rock 'n' Roll Train",
Song == "She Likes Rock n Roll" ~ "She Likes Rock 'n' Roll",
Song == "Some Sin for Nuthin'" ~ "Some Sin for Nothin'",
Song # Song == "Can't Stop Rock 'N' Roll" ~ "Can't Stop Rock 'n' Roll",
TRUE ~ Song
),`Album(s)` = str_remove_all(`Album(s)`, "(AC/DC Live)|(\\(Australia\\))"),
`Album(s)` = str_remove_all(`Album(s)`, "(Iron Man 2)|(Live at River Plate)"),
`Album(s)` = str_remove_all(`Album(s)`, "(Backtracks)|('74 Jailbreak)"),
`Album(s)` = str_remove_all(`Album(s)`, "(If You Want Blood You've Got It)"),
`Album(s)` = str_remove_all(`Album(s)`, "(Volts)"),
`Album(s)` = str_remove_all(`Album(s)`, "(\\(North America & Japan, all later releases\\))"),
`Album(s)` = str_remove_all(`Album(s)`, "(\\(Europe & Australia\\)|\\(Europe\\))"),
`Album(s)` = str_replace(`Album(s)`, "Back in BlackWho Made Who", "Back in Black"),
`Album(s)` = str_replace(`Album(s)`, "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt CheapLet There Be Rock", "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap"),
`Album(s)` = str_replace(`Album(s)`, "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt CheapWho Made Who", "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap"),
`Album(s)` = str_replace(`Album(s)`, "T.N.T.", "T.N.T./High Voltage"),
`Album(s)` = str_replace(`Album(s)`, "High Voltage", "T.N.T./High Voltage"),
`Album(s)` = str_replace(`Album(s)`, "T.N.T./High Voltage High Voltage", "T.N.T./High Voltage"),
`Album(s)` = str_replace(`Album(s)`, "T.N.T./T.N.T./High Voltage", "T.N.T./High Voltage"),
`Album(s)` = str_replace(`Album(s)`, "T.N.T./High VoltageDirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap", "T.N.T./High Voltage"),
`Album(s)` = str_replace(`Album(s)`, "T.N.T./High VoltageHigh Voltage", "T.N.T./High Voltage"),
`Album(s)` = str_replace(`Album(s)`, "Fly on the WallWho Made Who", "Fly on the Wall"),
`Album(s)` = str_replace(`Album(s)`, "For Those About to Rock We Salute YouWho Made Who", "For Those About to Rock We Salute You"),
Album = str_trim(`Album(s)`, side = "both")
) select(song = Song, album = Album, released = `Year of first release`)
<- bind_rows(rush_albums, queen_albums, acdc_albums)
## Rows: 600
## Columns: 3
## $ song <chr> "Losing Again", "You Don't Love Me", "Living Loving Maid", "C~
## $ album <chr> "Unreleased song", "Unreleased song", "Unreleased song", "Unr~
## $ released <int> 1969, 1969, 1969, 1969, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1~
I made a few modifications to the song names in my master data frame where it seemed Wikipedia had the better name.
<- lyrics_2 %>%
lyrics_3 mutate(
song = str_replace(song, "’", "'"),
song = str_replace(song, "Rock 'N' Roll", "Rock 'n' Roll"),
song = str_replace(song, " On ", " on "),
song = case_when(
== "Is This the World We Created... ?" ~ "Is This the World We Created...?",
song == "Mad The Swine" ~ "Mad the Swine",
song == "Modern Times Rock 'N' Roll" ~ "Modern Times Rock 'n' Roll",
song == "Sail Away Sweet Sister" ~ "Sail Away, Sweet Sister",
song == "Some Day One Day" ~ "Some Day, One Day",
song == "Crabsody In Blue" ~ "Crabsody in Blue",
song == "Cover You In Oil" ~ "Cover You in Oil",
song == "Goodbye & Good Riddance to Bad Luck" ~ "Goodbye and Good Riddance to Bad Luck",
song == "Have a Drink On Me" ~ "Have a Drink on Me",
song == "It's a Long Way to the Top (If You Wanna Rock n' Roll)" ~ "It's a Long Way to the Top (If You Wanna Rock 'n' Roll)",
song == "Meanstreak" ~ "Mean Streak",
song == "Mistress For Christmas" ~ "Mistress for Christmas",
song == "Put the Finger On You" ~ "Put the Finger on You",
song == "Rock N' Roll Train" ~ "Rock 'n' Roll Train",
song == "Shot Of Love" ~ "Shot of Love",
song == "Smash 'N' Grab" ~ "Smash 'n' Grab",
song TRUE ~ song
) left_join(song_albums, by = "song") %>%
select(everything(), -lyrics, lyrics)
## Rows: 466
## Columns: 8
## $ artist_id <int> 4384, 4384, 4384, 4384, 4384, 4384, 4384, 4384, 4384, 4384, ~
## $ song_id <int> 78816, 142058, 235157, 243268, 238394, 243253, 234389, 23441~
## $ song <chr> "2112", "A Farewell to Kings", "Afterimage", "Alien Shore", ~
## $ song_url <chr> "", "
## $ writer <chr> "Neil Peart", "Neil Peart", "Neil Peart", "Neil Peart", "Nei~
## $ album <chr> "2112", "A Farewell to Kings", "Grace Under Pressure", "Coun~
## $ released <int> 1976, 1977, 1984, 1993, 1989, 1993, 1975, 1976, 2007, 1989, ~
## $ lyrics <chr> "And the meek shall inherit the earth\n...\nThe massive grey~
My data frame is just about ready. I’ll leave the song_id
column for reference, but I have no need for the artist_id
anymore. I’ll replace it with the band name.
<- lyrics_3 %>%
lyrics_4 mutate(
band = map_chr(artist_id, ~ names(artist_ids)[which(artist_ids == .)] %>%
band = if_else(band == "Ac/Dc", "AC/DC", band)
) select(song_id, band, album, song, writer, released, song_url, lyrics)
## Rows: 466
## Columns: 8
## $ song_id <int> 78816, 142058, 235157, 243268, 238394, 243253, 234389, 234413~
## $ band <chr> "Rush", "Rush", "Rush", "Rush", "Rush", "Rush", "Rush", "Rush~
## $ album <chr> "2112", "A Farewell to Kings", "Grace Under Pressure", "Count~
## $ song <chr> "2112", "A Farewell to Kings", "Afterimage", "Alien Shore", "~
## $ writer <chr> "Neil Peart", "Neil Peart", "Neil Peart", "Neil Peart", "Neil~
## $ released <int> 1976, 1977, 1984, 1993, 1989, 1993, 1975, 1976, 2007, 1989, 1~
## $ song_url <chr> "", "
## $ lyrics <chr> "And the meek shall inherit the earth\n...\nThe massive grey ~
It may be helpful to have two versions of the text: one treating the song lyrics as a single block of text; another treating each line separately. I’ll split the lyrics into lines in one data frame, then remove the newline characters from the original.
<- lyrics_4 %>%
lyrics_lines mutate(lyrics = str_split(lyrics, "\\n")) %>%
unnest(lyrics) %>%
group_by(song_id) %>%
mutate(line_no = row_number()) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# remove empty lines
filter(lyrics != "") %>%
select(song_id, line_no, lyrics)
<- lyrics_4 %>%
lyrics_5 mutate(lyrics = str_replace_all(lyrics, "\\n", " "))
Here’s what one song from lyrics_lines
looks like.
%>% filter(song_id == 78816) lyrics_lines
## # A tibble: 116 x 3
## song_id line_no lyrics
## <int> <int> <chr>
## 1 78816 1 And the meek shall inherit the earth
## 2 78816 2 ...
## 3 78816 3 The massive grey walls of the Temples rise from the Heart of~
## 4 78816 4 We've taken care of everything
## 5 78816 5 The words you read, the songs you sing
## 6 78816 6 The pictures that give pleasure to your eye
## 7 78816 7 It's one for all, and all for one
## 8 78816 8 We work together, common son
## 9 78816 9 Never need to wonder how or why
## 10 78816 10 We are the Priests of the Temples of Syrinx
## # ... with 106 more rows
Save the lyrics to data frames for subsequent steps. lyrics
has one row per song, and lyrics_lines
has one row per line per song.
saveRDS(lyrics_5, "./1_lyrics.Rds")
saveRDS(lyrics_lines, "./1_lyrics_lines.Rds")